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Emergency 9-1-1 Addressing Agency 

About the Office

Emergency 9-1-1 Addressing Agency assists local law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and emergency responders by ensuring they respond to the right location where the 9-1-1 call took place.  The 9-1-1 Addressing Agency is using the Geographical Information System(GIS) to track and identify the 9-1-1 address of home or business property and storing it into the database.   In case of an emergency, 9-1-1 Dispatcher can easily locate the 9-1-1 address and direct emergency responders to arrive there quickly.   

Make sure your 9-1-1 Address numbers are posted on your house or business and are easy to see from the road.  Your mailbox should have your address number, too.  A well marked location is much easier for law enforcement officers, firefighters, and Emergency responders to find you when you need help.

Make sure the entry of your drive, lane, easement, access road, etc. should be marked, NOT just your mailbox.  Use reflective materials will help responders locate you place during nighttime. 

The phone company's information for your 9-1-1 address is what will display on the 9-1-1 Center's Mainframe.  Remember...It is very important to make sure your 9-1-1 physical address is listed correctly on the phone company's listing.  And not an old or incomplete one.  To check if your 9-1-1 address is up-to-date, contact 9-1-1 Addressing Agency or your local city hall.
Commission on State Emergency Communication
Commission on State Emergency Communications

The Commission on State Emergency Communications (CSEC) is an agency of the State of Texas and the state’s authority on emergency communications. CSEC is charged with administering the State 9-1-1 Service Program and the Statewide Poison Control Program.
Coastal Bend Council of Governments
Coastal Bend Council of Governments

The Coastal Bend Council of Governments (CBCOG) is a volunteer association of local governments, cities and counties, and other public and private entities. Formed in March 1966, by the authority of the State of Texas, the CBCOG provides a cost-effective way to plan, coordinate and implement regional projects and provide technical assistance within the region.
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