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County Bidding Announcement

Current Request for Proposal

  • The County of Jim Wells is soliciting a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Inmate Health Care Medical Services.   Resulting contract is to provide contractors with sufficient information to prepare a proposal for professional services and comprehensive health care to the inmate population including but not limited to management, medical services/physicians, nursing, dental, pharmacy, medical records, lab, x-ray and on-site routine medical services. 

    Proposals must be received no later than February 21, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.

    Please submit five (copies) and a thumb drive with your proposal to:

    Honorable Judge Pedro “Pete” Trevino, Jr.
    201 N. Almond Street, Ste. 101
    Alice, TX 78332

  • Jim Wells County is requesting bids for the purchase and removal of a 27' x 48' frame building currently serving as the Precinct office building for the Justice of the Peace and Constable of Pct. 3, located at 12111 Highway 359 in Sandia, Texas, until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 7, 2025. 

    The bids must be sent to the County Judge's Office:

      Jim Wells County Judge's Office
      200 N. Almond Suite 101
      Alice, Texas 78332

    In addition to the cash bid amount for the building, the successful bidder will be responsible for all costs associated with the removal of the building from its current location on Jim Wells property.

    The move must be completed within 20 days of acceptance of the bid by the Jim Wells County Commissioners Court.  The building is open for inspection by prospective bidders during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.


    If you have any questions or concerns, you may also contact the Office of the County Judge at 361.668.5706

    Attachment: RFP for Sandia building.pdf

Request for Proposal - Closed

  • The Jim Wells County Commissioners Court is requesting qualifications for a professional engineering firm to assist the County with the application and project implementation including the preliminary and final design, plans and specifications along with the environmental for the TxDOT Transportation Alternatives Sidewalk Project f or the Unincorporated Community of Ben Bolt.

    The submission requirements for the proposal are in the Form of Submittal section of the attachment below.

    Attachment: RFQ for Professional Engineering Services for TxDot Transportation Alternatives Ben Bolt Sidewalk Project.pdf

    Firms and/or individuals should have past experience with state and federally funded programs.

    Please mail your statement of qualifications as well as five (5) hard copies to:

    Jim Wells County Judge
    Pedro "Pete" Trevino Jr.
    200 N. Almond Rm 101
    Alice, Texas 78332

    The deadline for submission of RFQ's is on January 3rd, 2025, at 4:00 P.M.  Any responses after this date and time will not be accepted.

    RFQs will be reviewed from January 13, 2025, through January 31, 2025. Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firms submitting proposals, per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.

    Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


  • The Jim Wells County Commissioners Court is requesting proposals for a comprehensive healthcare delivery system at the Jim Wells County Jail located at 300 N. Almond, Alice, Texas 78332.  The Jim Wells County Jail (the "Jail") houses both male and female inmates.  The average daily population of the Jail over the past 12 months has been 80.  Any proposal/submittal should be based on an average daily population of 80 for the next year.

    It is the intent of Jim Wells County to award a healthcare delivery system contract for a two-year term beginning December 12, 2024 and ending December 31, 2026.  Jim Wells County intends to include in the contract a right to automatically extend the term of the contract for additional one-year terms provided such extensions are in the best interest of the County.

    Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received by reason of this Request for Proposals (RFP).  Jim Wells County will not be responsible for any costs incurred by a Proposer.  All proposals shall become the property of Jim Wells County upon submission.  Any confidential information contained in the proposal should be clearly marked by the Proposer as such.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate the final price subsequent to the submission of proposals from the selected qualified Proposers.

    For more information on qualifications and requirements for submission, please see the following attachment: 2024 Inmate Healthcare RFP JWC.pdf

    The deadline for questions regarding the RFP will be December 2, 2024 at 4:00 PM (CST).

    For any questions concerning this RFP or requests to tour the facility must be directed to:

    Chief Deputy Robert Waldrop
    300 N. Almond
    Alice, Texas 78332

  • Closed on November 15, 2024.

    Jim Wells County will receive bids for Luncheon Catering Service for the Jim Wells County Annual Safety Luncheon, until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2024, at the Jim Wells County Judge's Office located at 200 N. Almond, Suite 101, Alice, Texas 78332.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of County Judge at 361.668.5706.

    Attachment: RFP - Annual Safety Luncheon 2024.pdf

  • Closed on November 4, 2024.

    Jim Wells County is seeking to enter into an Engineering/architectural/surveying services contract with a state-registered engineer/architect/surveyor. These services are being solicited to assist Jim Wells County in its application for funding and project implementation of a contract, if awarded, from the 2025 Colonia Fund: Construction Grant Fund Program (2025 CFC) of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). Jim Wells County will be applying for such funding to support eligible activities in Jim Wells County. More than one contract may be awarded as a result of this RFQ.

    The submission requirements for this Statement of Qualifications are included on the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) form below. Firms and/or individuals should have past experience with federally funded programs. 

    Attachment: CFC G 2025 CFC RFQ Packet.pdf


    Please submit five (5) copies and a thumb drive with your Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) to the following address:

      Pedro "Pete" Trevino, Jim Wells County Judge
      200 N. Almond Rm. 101
      Alice, Texas, 78332


    The deadline for submission of SOQs is November 4, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firms submitting SOQs. Section 3 Residents, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area firms are encouraged to submit SOQs.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firms submitting proposals, per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.

    Jim Wells is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Closed on November 4, 2024.

    Jim Wells County is seeking to enter into a professional services contract with a competent administration/management firm/ consultant to assist the Entity in preparing an application for and assist in the overall management of its proposed 2025 CFC Grant Fund Program through the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). 

    These services are being solicited to assist Jim Wells County in its application and administration of a contract, if awarded, from the 2025 Colonia Fund Construction Grant Fund Program of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). Jim Wells County will be applying for such funding to support eligible activities associated with the program in Jim Wells County. 

    The submission requirements for this proposal are included on the Request for Proposals (RFP) form below. Firms and/or individuals should have past experience with federally funded programs.  

    Attachment: CFC C2025 RFP Packet.pdf


    Please submit five (5) copies and a thumb drive with your RFP to the following address:

      Pedro "Pete" Trevino, Jim Wells County Judge
      200 N. Almond Rm. 101
      Alice, Texas, 78332


    The deadline for submission of RFPs is due on November 4, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firms submitting RFPs.  Section 3 Residents, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area firms are encouraged to submit RFPs.  The Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firm submitting proposals, per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.

    Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Closed on October 18, 2024.

    Jim Wells County is seeking project development, grant writing and grant administration services for the submission of a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) - Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant application.

    Attached is a copy of Jim Wells County's Request for Proposal (RFP) for Project Development, Grant Writing and Grant Administration Services. Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Jim Wells County, Texas, is seeking a qualified firm to assist Jim Wells County with Project Development, Grant Writing and Grant Administration Services -TXDOT TAP.

    The submission requirements for the proposal are included in the Submission Requirements section of this RFP. Please submit 5 copies and  one (1) digital copy via thumb drive  of your proposal as directed below.

    Mail hard copies and thumb drive to:
    Jim Wells County Judge Pedro Trevino, Jr. 
    200 N Almond Street Rm 101
    Alice, Texas 78332

    The deadline for submission of RFP's is October 18, 2024, at 3.00 P.M. Central Standard Time. Responses received after this date and time will not be accepted.

    RFPs will be open in Commissioner’s Court on October 25, 2024, and the qualified firm will be awarded on November 11, 2024. Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firms submitting proposals, per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.

    ATTACHMENT: RFP - TxDOT Project Precinct 4.pdf


  • Closed on October 4, 2024.

    The County of Jim Wells, Texas ("the County") is seeking responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) ("Response") from interested and qualified Engineers to provide project federal application preparation services and engineering services for programs specifically related to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA") Community Change Grant program. The EPA's Community Change Grant awards are to "support community-driven projects that build capacity for communities to tackle environmental and climate justice challenges, strengthen their climate resilience, and advance clean energy". In addition, the target populations to be served are disadvantaged households or those who experience significant barriers to accessing climate resiliency and sustainability infrastructure or upgrades.

    The County of Jim Wells is applying for an award through the EPA Community Change Grant program that would fund a variety of projects and programs designed to improve housing opportunities, increase uptake of Federal incentives for energy efficiency upgrades by harder-to-reach populations, and reduce energy costs for current and future residents of the County of Jim Wells. Some of these programs and projects are in the preliminary planning stages, and others would require a larger amount for their development.

    Eligible activities for which the County proposes to apply include:

    • Funding for energy efficiency upgrades and full electrification in new small and large residential buildings, including electric vehicle charging, solar power and geothermal where applicable;

    • Mitigating climate and health risks from urban heat islands and extreme heat through solar canopies on publicly accessible parking lots.

    • Community education and outreach related to energy efficiency and renewable energy.

    • Workforce development that supports the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants and increases the financial stability and growth of previously disadvantaged households.

    Target project activities include the development of the following:

    • Water Treatment System Upgrades

    • Drainage System Updates

    • Wastewater Treatment System Updates

    • Parks and Green Areas

    • Community Resource Center

    • Healthy Home Improvements/Upgrades

    The County intends to enter into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with at least one (1) project engineer licensed to practice engineering in the State of Texas to provide engineering and undertake implementation services for the proposed activities listed above. The County's decision to award an Agreement will depend on the proposals received, evaluation factors and the County's sole discretion.

    The proposed timeline for questions, submissions, decisions and other actions related to the Project:


    Time Date
    RFP Release 1:30 p.m. September 25, 2024
    Deadline for Questions 10:00 a.m. October 4, 2024
    Response to Questions
    RFP Response Due 11:00 a.m. October 4, 2024
    Selection Notification TBD
    Agreement State Date TBD if awarded;


    Note: A service agreement will be signed as per EPA grant submission requirements, no award is final unless the County is awarded funding through the EPA. The dates shown above may be subject to change within the County's sole discretion and upon written notification as set forth herein.


    All communications by parties who have indicated an intent to submit or have submitted a Response to this RFQ ("Respondents"), including any questions or requests for clarifications, submissions, requests for status updates about the selection process, and any other inquiries whatsoever concerning this RFQ shall be sent, by email only, to the following County staff person ("County Contact"):

    No contact is permitted with any other County staff member with regard to this RFQ during the RFQ process unless specifically authorized in writing. Prohibited contact may be grounds for disqualification.

    To ensure that all Respondents have a clear understanding of the scope and requirements of this RFQ, the County will respond to all timely questions submitted via e-mail to the County Contact by the question deadline stated above. Questions and the responding answers will be sent via e-mail to all Respondents who have provided an e-mail address to the County Contact and will be posted on the County's web page for this RFQ. The County's failure to timely respond or provide responses to any questions shall not delay or invalidate the County's right to make a decision to award an agreement pursuant to this RFQ.

    The County will make every reasonable effort to keep Respondents informed about the process. Notifications about Timeline date changes, amendments to the RFQ, and other information about the RFQ will be sent by e-mail to Respondents who have provided an e-mail address to the County Contact and will be posted on the County's website for this RFQ. The County's failure to provide such information shall not delay or invalidate the County's right to make a decision to award an agreement pursuant to this RFQ.

    Preparation and Submission Process

    Responses must be postmarked or received by the County no later than 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 4, 2024. Submit copies of proposal and thumb drive to:

    Honorable Judge Pedro “Pete” Trevino, Jr.
    200 N. Almond St., STE 101
    Alice, Texas 78332

    ATTACHMENT: Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services.pdf

  • Closed on October 4, 2024.

    The County of Jim Wells, Texas ("the County") is seeking responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP) ("Response") from interested Project Grant Administrators to provide project federal application preparation services and administrative management services for programs specifically related to the

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ("EPA") Community Change Grant program. The EPA's Community Change Grant awards are to "support community-driven projects that build capacity for communities to tackle environmental and climate justice challenges, strengthen their climate resilience, and advance clean energy". In addition, the target populations to be served are disadvantaged households or those who experience significant barriers to accessing climate resiliency and sustainability infrastructure or upgrades.

    The County of Jim Wells is applying for an award through the EPA Community Change Grant program that would fund a variety of projects and programs designed to improve housing opportunities, increase uptake of Federal incentives for energy efficiency upgrades by harder-to-reach populations, and reduce energy costs for current and future residents of the County of Jim Wells. Some of these programs and projects are in the preliminary planning stages, and others would require a larger amount for their development.

    Eligible activities for which the County proposes to apply include:

    • Funding for energy efficiency upgrades and full electrification in new small and large residential buildings, including electric vehicle charging, solar power and geothermal where applicable;

    • Mitigating climate and health risks from urban heat islands and extreme heat through solar canopies on publicly accessible parking lots.

    • Community education and outreach related to energy efficiency and renewable energy.

    • Workforce development that supports the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants and increases the financial stability and growth of previously disadvantaged households.

    Target project activities include the development of the following:

    • Water Treatment System Upgrades

    • Drainage System Updates

    • Wastewater Treatment System Updates

    • Parks and Green Areas

    • Community Resource Center

    • Healthy Home Improvements/Upgrades

    The County intends to enter into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with at least one (1) project grant administrator to provide grant administration services and management services needed to undertake implementation services for the proposed activities listed above. The County's decision to award an Agreement will depend on the proposals received, evaluation factors and the County's sole discretion.

    The proposed timeline for questions, submissions, decisions and other actions related to the Project:


    Time Date
    RFP Release 1:30 p.m. September 25, 2024
    Deadline for Questions 10:00 a.m. October 4, 2024
    Response to Questions
    RFP Response Due 11:00 a.m. October 4, 2024
    Selection Notification TBD
    Agreement State Date TBD if awarded;


    Note: A service agreement will be signed as per EPA grant submission requirements, no award is final unless the County is awarded funding through the EPA. The dates shown above may be subject to change within the County's sole discretion and upon written notification as set forth herein.


    All communications by parties who have indicated an intent to submit or have submitted a Response to this RFP ("Respondents"), including. any questions or requests for clarifications, sub. missions, requests for status updates about the selection process, and any other inquiries whatsoever concerning this RFP shall be sent, by email only, to the following County staff person ("County Contact"):

    No contact is permitted with any other County staff member with regard to this RFP during the RFP process unless specifically authorized in writing. Prohibited contact may be grounds for disqualification.

    To ensure that all Respondents have a clear understanding of the scope and requirements of this RFP, the County will respond to all timely questions submitted via e-mail to the County Contact by the question deadline stated above. Questions and the responding answers will be sent via e-mail to all Respondents who have provided an e-mail address to the County Contact and will be posted on the County's web page for this RFP. The County's failure to timely respond or provide responses to any questions shall not delay or invalidate the County's right to make a decision to award an agreement pursuant to this RFP.

    The County will make every reasonable effort to keep Respondents informed about the process. Notifications about Timeline date changes, amendments to the RFP, and other information about the RFP will be sent by e-mail to Respondents who have provided an e-mail address to the County Contact and will be posted on the County's website for this RFP. The County's failure to provide such information shall not delay or invalidate the County's right to make a decision to award an agreement pursuant to this RFP.

    Preparation and Submission Process

    Responses must be postmarked or received by the County no later than 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 4, 2024. Submit copies of proposal and thumb drive to:

    Honorable Judge Pedro “Pete” Trevino, Jr.
    200 N. Almond St., STE 101
    Alice, Texas 78332


    ATTACHMENT: Request for Proposals for Grantsmanship and Grand Administration Services.pdf

  • Closed on August 9, 2024.

    Sealed proposals addressed to Jim Wells County will be received from CONTRACTORS to provide all materials and labor for the following project at the Jim Wells County Courthouse located at 200 N. Almond Street Alice, Texas, and NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M. local time, Friday, August 9th, 2024, at which time the bids will be received.  Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Jim Wells County Courthouse located at 200 N. Almond Street Alice, Texas, and at 9:00 A.M. local time, Monday, August 12th, 2024, for bid of trades for:

    Jim Wells County Swine Barn Concrete Pad & Drainage Improvements

    A Bid Bond from a reliable surety company licensed to operate in the State of Texas or Certified Cashier's Check, payable without recourse to the Jim Wells County, for the amount of no less than 5% of the total bid shall accompany the bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will enter into a contract with Jim Wells County.

    Hardcopies of the Contract Documents and Specifications can be acquired by contacting Fulcrum Consulting Services 207 E. Magnolia Ave. La Feria, Texas 78559 at (956) 797-3411 through the Engineer for a non-reimbursed fee of $200.00 per set.  Hardcopies will be mailed upon official request via email to  Electronic copies of the plans and specifications may also be obtained free of charge upon request.  Please make checks payable to Fulcrum Consulting Services and allow a 2-day lead time for production. 

    Bid documents will be available for viewing at FULCRUM CONSULTING SERVIES, 207 E. MAGNOLIA AVE., LA FERIA, TX, 78559.

    Jim Wells County reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all bid proposals and to waive informalities or defects in submittal or to accept such submittal as it shall deem to be in the best interest of Jim Wells County.  Bid proposals will not be available for public inspection until a contract is awarded.  Jim Wells County Commissioners will not award on opening but after study and consideration of submittals.

    The Owner reserves the right to hold all bids for sixty (60) days from date of receipt without action and to require statements or evidence of bidder's qualification including financial statements.  The County is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, gender, marital veteran or handicapped status in the employment or provision of services.

    Bid Proposals shall be placed in a seal envelope and marked clearly on the outside:


    ALICE, TX 78332

    Attachment: Jim Wells County Swine Barn Concrete Pad & Drainage Improvement.pdf

  • Closed on June 20, 2024.

    Jim Wells County is seeking to establish a "pre-event" contract with a qualified firm to provide disaster debris monitoring and management services to ensure that debris removal operations are efficient, effective, and eligible for FEMA Public Assistance grant funding.  The contract will be dependent upon the number of disasters and does not guarantee an annual minimum (as-needed basis).  The awarded disaster debris monitoring management contractor shall advise and support the County during a disaster recovery effort and shall be responsible for coordinating with, and overall monitoring of, the County's debris removal contractor(s) and recommending efficiencies to improve and expedite DRC recovery work.  The County reserves the right to enter into contracts with more than one Prime Contractor in the event that no one firm can provide all of the necessary services.

    Monitoring debris removal operations requires comprehensive observation and documentation of the debris removal work performed from point of collection to final disposal.  In the event of a disaster or emergency, the debris monitoring contractor(s) (DMC) shall service the County first and be on-call to provide disaster debris monitoring management services necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of all County residents.  Response will be activated only in the event of an emergency and in accordance with an awarded contract.

    The response of the DMC to the disaster recovery process must be immediate, rapid, and efficient with acceptable cost controls, accountability procedures, written reports, and submittals to ensure compliance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), FEMA reporting requirements, and any other federal, state or local regulation to ensure that the county shall have the means to be reimbursed for all eligible disaster recovery costs from the appropriate federal, state, and private agencies.  The DMC shall monitor the debris removal contractor's (DRC) progress and suggest and assist with implementing recommendations to improve efficiency.

    The contractor and personnel shall stay current with FEMA and FHWA policies and procedures and promptly notify the County's debris manager or designee as changes occur.

    Proposers must submit one (1) hard copy and two (2) USBs in original PDF format on or before June 20th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.  Any proposal received after this deadline will not be accepted and will be returned unopened to the sender.

    When hand delivering packet, Proposer should make sure that the package is stamped with the date and time received by the Jim Wells County Judge staff.

    Jim Wells County will not accept telegraphic or electronically transmitted proposals.

    Proposals can be mailed, or hand delivered to:

      Name: Jim Wells County Judge
      ATTN: Lance Brown
      Emergency Management Department
    Address: 200 N. Almond St.
      Alice, Texas 78332

    Please refer to the following attachment for all instructions and requirements:  No. 2024-016 RFP for Debris Monitoring and Management Services.pdf

    THE RESPONDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR READING AND UNDERSTANDING ALL DOCUMENTS, FORMS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND INSTRUCTIONS WITHIN THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT.  Follow all instructions; you are responsible for obtaining any information needed in order to respond to this RFP.  Further, the Respondent is responsible for providing any and all relevant information necessary to submit a proposal.  Failure to do so will be at the Respondent's risk and may result in rejection of the proposal as non-conforming. 

    General Requirements apply to all advertised solicitations; however, these may be superseded, whole or in part, by OTHER DATA CONTAINED WITHIN THE ATTACHMENT. Review the Table of Contents.  Be sure your proposal package is complete.


    Questions must be submitted via email to, by June 20, 2024, at 5:00 P.M. Responses to submitted questions will be emailed to all participants who obtained their procurement packet directly from Jim Wells County Department by June 20, 2024, at 5:00 P. M.  Telephone inquires will not be accepted.

  • Closed on June 26, 2024.

    The Jim Wells Office of the District Clerk is seeking a proposal for Preservation, Imaging, & Indexing Services for permanent retention and historical records.

    Records for this project shall consist of:

    •  Civil 1/1/1998 - 12/31/2002
    •  Criminal 1/1/1995 - 12/31/2002

    The goal of the project is to preserve original records, eliminate/reduce manual searches, expedite searches, and protect originals by reducing daily use.  The imaging of books will include the capture, processing, and zonal enhancements of each image. This will ensure that each original document imaged is optimal quality and free of loss or distortion from capture failures.

    Offerors should be aware that these are permanent retention and/or historical records, so special handling is required.  The County requires the Vendor to have trained technicians who can image these documents with the upmost care and precision.  The County requires the Offeror to have capabilities to remove tape from the documents with accepted archival conservation methods if required for image quality.  It is imperative that each document is handled and cared for by trained professionals.  The vendor shall have a professional Imaging Lab with advanced scanning devices and software, with superior security and chain of custody procedures.  Bound Volumes with imaging only services will not be dismantled from their binders.


    For the list of the requirements for submissions, please see the following attachment: RFP for Preservation, Imaging, & Indexing Services for Permanent Retention and Historical Records.pdf


    Proposals must be received no later than 4:00pm on June 26, 2024. It is the responsibility of the submitting entity to ensure that the proposals received in a timely manner.  Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for award, regardless of whether or not the delay was outside the control of the submitting firm.  

    All bids must be clearly marked:

      ATTN: David Guerrero
      Jim Wells County District Clerk
      200 N. Almond Street
      Alice, Texas 78332

    Proposals must be received by the Jim Wells County District Clerk no later than 4:00pm on June 26, 2024 to be considered.  Any bids delivered or received after 4:00pm will not be considered and shall be returned unopened to the addressee.  The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids.


    Any questions or requests for clarification must be submitted in writing via EMAIL to David Guerrero,, by 4:00 pm, June 20, 2024. The Jim Wells County may, if appropriate, circulate the question and answer to all service providers submitted proposals.

    Required RFP Forms as provided in the RFP must be submitted, or the proposal shall be considered non-responsive.

  • Closed on May 10, 2024.

    The Jim Wells County Courthouse is requesting qualifications for a Civil Engineer, which may lead to the possible award of a contract to provide professional civil engineering services for Jim Wells County for Swine Barn Concrete Pad & Drainage Improvements at the Jim Wells County Fairgrounds complex.

    The minimum requirement are as follows:

    • A competent engineering firm shall be registered, and its engineers licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
    • The Firm is not debarred or suspended from the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) of the System for Award Management (SAM)
    • Experience with topographic surveying and drainage design improvements.
    • Experience with concrete design.
    • Has prepared design plans and specifications for construction projects at Public Works facilities.
    • Engaged with construction contract administration and field inspections, and
    • Any other special services related to the aforementioned.

    For submission, the engineer shall have successfully completed projects in the general region of the state of Texas and can demonstrate support of the same by the following:

    1. Detail a minimum of five (5) similar projects that include the above scopes of work under Qualifications.
    2. A list of past local government clients and their contact information.
    3. Resumes of all personnel who will or may be assigned to this project if you receive a services contract.
    4. A copy of your current certificate for general and professional liability insurance.

    For further questions on preparation of qualification statement for this project, please email Isabel Trevino at with the subject heading "RFQ for Civil Engineer".

    The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, May 10, 2024, at 3:00 pm.

    Any proposals received after the time and date specified shall not be considered.  The County reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, to waive formalities, or to proceed otherwise when in the best interest of the County. 


    Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope as eight (8) hard (printed) copies, and one (1) digital copy on a flash drive, and clearly marked with the following description:

     Attn: County Judge
    "Request for Qualifications for Civil Engineer
    Related to Concrete Pad & Drainage Improvements
    at the Jim Wells County Fairgrounds"
    Jim Wells County
    200 N. Almond Street
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Attachment: RFQ Civil Engineer Related to Concrete Pad & Drainage.pdf

  • The Jim Wells County Courthouse is requesting proposals from interested and qualified parties for Disaster and/or Storm Recovery Services Monitoring. Under this contract, work shall consist of clearing and removing any and all "eligible" debris as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Publication 325, all applicable State and Federal Disaster Specific Guidances and policies, and as directed by the City of Freeport. 

    Work will include:

    1. Examining debris to determine whether or not debris is eligible, burnable or non-burnable,
    2. Loading the debris,
    3. Hauling debris to approved Temporary Debris Storage and Reduction Sites (TDSRS) or landfill(s)
    4. Reducing the debris
    5. Hauling the debris to an approved disposal facility
    6. Dumping the debris at the dumpsite or landfill

    Sealed proposals are to be submitted to:

      Jim Wells County
    200 N. Almond St. Ste.101
    Alice, Texas 78332
    ATTN: Honorable Judge Pedro "Pete" Trevino Jr

    Sealed proposals are to be marked on the envelope:

    "Disaster and/or Storm Recovery Services"
    Monitoring Contractor

    Sealed proposals will be received no later than 10:00 AM on May 8th, 2024.

    Jim Wells County appreciates your time and effort in preparing a proposal.  Please note that all proposals must be received at the designated location by the deadline shown.  Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for award and shall be returned unopened.  Opening is scheduled at the Jim Wells Court House, 200 N. Almond, Alice, Texas as listed above.  You are invited to attend.  Proposals will be declared responsive or non-responsive at that time but will not be open to public review until evaluations are completed.

    Jim Wells County is aware of the time and effort you expend in preparing and submitting bids and proposals to the County.  Please let us know of any requirements causing you difficulty in responding.  We want to make the process as easy and convenient as possible so that all responsible vendors can compete for the county's business.

    For more information on the requested proposals, see the following PDF attachment: Disaster and/or Storm Recovery Services Monitoring Contractor.pdf

    For questions or further information, feel free to contract the Executive Assistant, Isabel Trevino at (361)668-5706.

  • Jim Wells County, (hereafter, the County, Owner), is requesting qualifications from interested and qualified firms for Condition Assessment and Master Planning Services related to the development, design, build, and ongoing optimization of various facility projects associated with the Rehabilitation of the Jim Wells County Courthouse.  The County understands that the first cost is not the only factor in facility ownership.  Responding firms shall be able to quantify life cycle costs or total cost of ownership with all potential projects in an effort to help the County remain competitive in today's marketplace.  Preference will be given to firms that are vertically integrated with a full staff for design build delivery.  Jim Wells County sees value in having the same company that helps to determine the project goals and criteria also deliver the project.  Vertically integrated firms shall have engineers (PEs), Architects, and construction delivery professionals on staff.

    The County plans to select the most qualified firm for high performance design-build projects in accordance with Local Government Code 262.023 which provides for the usage of Texas Government Code 2269 Subchapter G Design Build Contracts for Facilities.  The County intends this to be a one-step process based on qualifications only.  The County may opt to interview the top 3 respondents in the event that the qualifications are closely matched.

    The County reserves the right to add a 2nd step to this evaluation at its sole discretion if qualifications alone are not sufficient for selection.  Per Texas Government Code 2269 Subchapter G.  The County may choose to evaluate respondents on the basis of the safety, feasibility of implementing the project as proposed, ability of the offerer to meet schedules, or costing methodology.

    The selected high-performance design-build firm shall partner with the County to develop and deliver a comprehensive program to upgrade and/or improve facilities via the following basic process:

    A detailed assessment that establishes short-, medium-, and long-term needs and opportunities, budgets, operating cost baselines and a roadmap for optimization.

    1. Co-development with the County of a plan for implementation.
    2. Design and installation of work according to the plan.
    3. Commissioning of systems for performance.
    4. Training of existing personnel in the operation and maintenance of installed systems; and, 
    5. The ability to provide additional services to maintain and improve the owner's high-performance objectives.

    Qualified forms capable of fulfilling all the steps of this process should complete a statement of qualifications according to this RFQ and submit five (5) copies of sealed responses no later than:

    Extended to March 8, 2024 @ 4:00pm
    Responses shall be submitted to:

      C/O Name: Honorable Pedro "Pete" Trevino Jr.
           Title: County Judge
           Address: 200 N. Almond Street
           City, ST Zip: Alice, Texas 78332
           Phone: (361)668-5706

    Responses submitted after the date and time listed above will not be accepted or considered.  Final selection will be made in accordance with the policies and administrative directive of the County and other statutory provisions.  The County reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all responses, waive any or all formalities or technicalities, accept the response or portions of the response determined to be the best value to the County, and hold the reposes for a period of 120 days without taking action.  Respondents are required to hold their responses firm for the same period of time.  For questions or further information, feel free to contract the Executive Assistant, Isabel Trevino at (361)668-5706.

    For more information, see the attachment below.

    Attachment: Request For Qualifications for Design-Build Contracting for High Performance Facilities - Extended.pdf

  • Jim Wells County is receiving bids for Luncheon Catering Service for the Jim Wells County Annual Safety Luncheon, until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at the Jim Wells County Judge's Office located at 200 N. Almond, Suite 101, Alice, Texas 78332. 

    All bids must be sealed and delivered, no later than Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. at:

    Jim Wells County Judge's Office
    200 N. Almond St., Ste. 101
    Alice, TX 78332

    Bids will be opened publicly at Commissioner's Court on Monday, November 27, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. in the Jim Wells County Courtroom . 

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of County Judge at (361)668-5706.

    For more information, please see the attached PDF.

    Attachment: Request for Bids for Luncheon Catering Service.pdf 

  • Jim Wells County is requesting formal sealed bids for 2023 Ford F750 Chassis Tanker Water Truck with the following specifications:

    The Truck: 2023 Ford F750 Chassis Diesel 6.7 Power Stroke V-8 270 HP Automatic Overdrive W/PTO, 33,000 lbs. with Sparge Bar-6": W/Pneumatic In/Cab On/Off Switch.

    The Tank:  200-gallon hydrant fill/discharge Drop Capability, rear mount hose 50' 1¼" Jet Spray Hose w/1½" nozzle, 4x3 pump PTO Driven Suction w/ front/rear/plumbing, Standard air control, Two front Spray Heads/2 Rear Spray Heads; One side spray nozzle w/ 1½" Camlock; ¼" garden hose spigot; Standard Spray Heads; Hose Reel Bumper w/Toolbox; Back up alarm.

    Jim Wells County sole purpose and intent of this Invitation to Bid is to secure a firm prince for this Tanker Water Truck.

    Bids will be received until Friday, July 7th, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. Bid forms should be submitted and mailed in a sealed envelope.  All bids received will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners Court on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.  All interested parties are invited to attend.  Said bids shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder.  Successful bidder shall not order items or services until a Purchase Order is received.  Purchase Orders will be issued as required.  Contract will be awarded by lump sum or line item.  All Bids are subject to the Terms & Conditions, and Provisions of this solicitation.  Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  Copies of the bid specifications and forms are available at the office of Jim Wells County Judge.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid.  

    If you have any questions, please contact: 

    Isabel Trevino, Executive Administrator Assistant
    Jim Wells County Judge
    200 N. Almond St., Ste. 101
    Alice, Tx 78332
    Office Phone Number: (361)668-5706

    Submission of sealed bids: One (1) original, Four (4) copies
    Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked:


    Mailed proposal shall be sent to:

    Jim Wells County Judge's Office
    Invitation to Bid: Water Tanker Truck, PCT. 3
    200 N. Almond St., Ste. 101
    Alice, TX 78332

    Proposals received after the deadline will not be opened and will be returned upon the request by the Respondent.

    Special Instructions, Limitations:

    Jim Wells County reserves the right to refuse and reject any and or all bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities and to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the County and hold the sealed bids for a period of sixty days (60) without taking action.  Respondents are required to hold their bids for the same period of time.

    Please read the Invitation to Bid requirements thoroughly and be sure that the bid offered complies with all requirements/specifications noted.  Any variations from the solicitation requirements/ specifications must be clearly indicted by letter, on a point-by-point basis, attached to and made part of the bid submitted.  If exceptions are noted, and you are the successful Respondent, it will be required that the service(s) be provided as specified.

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Judge or see the attachment below.

    Attachment: Invitation to Bid: 2023 Ford F750 Chassis Tanker Water Truck.pdf

  • Jim Wells County is requesting formal sealed bids for Chip Sealed Coat Project awarded from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund for the following projects: Knolle Hills (8,976 sq. yards); CR 374 (5,598 sq. yards); CR 376 (5,632 sq. yards); CR 378 (3,380 sq. yards) for a total of 23,586 sy. yards.  Material specification to be used will consist of First Course: Asphalt AC-10 at 0.30 gal/sy.  Rock Type PB, Grade 3 at 1cy/90 Sy.  The Second Course: Asphalt-AC-10 at 0.28 gal/Sy.  Rock Type PB Grade 4 at 1cy/100sy.  Jim Wells County sole purpose and intent of this Invitation to Bid is to secure a firm price for this chipped sealed coat project.

    Bids will be received until Friday, July 7th, 2023, at 4:00 p.m.  Bid forms should be submitted and mailed in a sealed envelope.  All bids received will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners Court on Monday, July 10, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.  All interested parties are invited to attend.  Said bids shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder.. Successful bidder shall not order items or services until a Purchase Order is received.  Purchase Orders will be issued as required.  Contract will be awarded by lump sum or line item.  All Bids are subject to the Terms & Conditions, and Provisions of this solicitation.  Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  Copies of the bid specifications and forms are available at the office of Jim Wells County Judge.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid. 

    If you have any questions, please contact:

    Isabel Trevino, Executive Administrator Assistant
    Jim Wells County Judge
    200 N. Almond St., Ste. 101
    Alice, Tx 78332
    Office Phone Number: (361)668-5706

    Submission of sealed bids: One (1) original and Four (4) copies.
    Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked:


    Mailed Proposal shall be sent to:

    Jim Wells County Judges Office
    Invitation to Bid: Sealed Coat Project (s)
    200 N. Almond St., Ste 101
    Alice, TX 78332

    Proposals received after the deadline will not be opened and will be returned upon the request by the Respondent.

    Special Instructions, Limitations:

    Jim Wells reserves the right to refuse any and or all bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities and to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the County and hold the sealed bids for a period of sixty days (60) without taking action.  Respondents are required to hold their bids for the same period of time.

    Please read the Invitation to Bid requirements thoroughly and be sure that the bid offered complies with all requirements/specifications noted.  Any variations from the solicitation requirements/specifications must be clearly indicated by letter, on a point by point basis, attached to and made part of the bid submitted.  If exceptions are noted, and you are the successful Respondent, it will be required that the service(s) be provided as specified.  For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Judge or by visiting our website at


    Attachment: Invitation to Bid - Chip Seal Coat Bid with Forms.pdf

  • Closed on May 25, 2023

    Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Jim Wells County, Texas, proposes to enter into a contract with banking corporation, association or individual banker in such county for the depositing of public funds for such county in such bank or banks.

    Any banking corporation, association, or individual banker in this county desiring to be designated as county depository for such funds shall make and deliver to the County Judge its applications required by V.T.C.A. Local Government Code, Sec. 116.023; such application to be delivered to the County Judge on or before 4:00 o'clock P.M., May 25th, 2023.

    A certified check in the amount of $246,330.98 accompanying the application shall be sufficient compliance as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the applicant for such public funds.

    Further notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Jim Wells County, Texas, proposes to enter into a contract with a banking corporation, association or individual banker in such county as may desire to be selected as depository for Trust Funds in possession by the County and District Clerks.

    Any banking corporation, association, or individual banker desiring to be designated as county depository for such Trust Funds shall file with the County Clerk on or before 4:00 o'clock P.M., May 25th, 2023, its application as required by V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 117.021, a certified check in the amount of $4,593.81 accompanying the application shall be sufficient compliance as guarantee or good faith on the part of the applicant for such Trust Funds.

    The Commissioners' Court will then convene at their Meeting on May 26th, 2023, and publicly open and consider all applications received by the County Judge and County Clerk.

    Specifications and forms for depository application may be obtained from the County Judge's Office at the Jim Wells County Courthouse.  If additional information is needed please call the County Judge's Office at 361-668-5706 ext. 1 

    Attachment: request for proposals bank depository coversheet.pdf,  Jim Wells County depository bid packet 2023.pdfJim Wells County Official Depository Application Bid Form - Public Funds.pdf


  • Closed on April 28, 2023

    On behalf of the Jim Wells County Commissioners and pursuant to and in compliance with Texas State Procurement Code, Jim Wells County hereby invites competitive sealed bids for the delivery of asphalt road surfacing materials.  Jim Wells County will receive competitive sealed bids until Friday, April 28th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

    Jim Wells County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to accept the which in its judgment is not suitable and in the County’s best interest, to be the sole interpreter of the intent of any clauses of the specifications and the sole judge as to whether an offer complies with specifications Sealed bids will be accepted until the date specified.  All Bids received will be formally opened and read publicly at the special meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners’ Court, 200 N. Almond St., Alice, Texas on Friday, April 28th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

    Submission of Sealed Bids: One (1) Original, Four (4) copies 

    Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked:

    Invitation to Bid:   

    Asphalt Road Surfacing Materials

    "Do Not Open in the Mailroom."

     Mailed Proposals shall be sent to:

    Jim Wells County Judge's Office
    Invitation to Bid: Asphalt Road Surfacing Materials
    Attention: Isabel Trevino
    200 N. Almond Street Ste. 101
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Proposals received after the deadline will not be opened and will be returned, upon the request by respondent.

    Special Instructions, Limitations:

    The Jim Wells County reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities and to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the County and hold the sealed bids for a period of 60 days without taking action. Respondents are required to hold their bids for same period of time.

    Please read the Invitation to Bid requirements thoroughly and be sure that the bid offered complies with all requirements/specifications noted. Any variation from the solicitation requirements/specifications must be clearly indicated by letter, on a point-by-point basis, attached to and made part of the bid submitted. If exceptions are noted, and you are the successful respondent, it will be required that the service(s) be provided as specified.


    For information on scope of services, the evaluation criteria and more, please see the attachment below.

    Attachment: Revised-INVITATION-TO-BID-Asphalt-Surfacing-Materials-Extending-Deadline.pdf



  • Closed on April 3, 2023

    Jim Wells County is seeking to enter an Engineering/Architectural/Surveying services contract with a state-registered Engineer/Architect/Surveyor.  The following outlines this request for qualifications.

    I. Scope of Work - A sample detailed Scope of Work provided by TDA for Colonia Fund - Construction engineering/architectural/surveying services is enclosed in this packet.  The contract will encompass all application and project-related services to the County under its CFC 2023 Colonia Fund - Construction.

    II. Statement of Qualifications - Jim Wells County is seeking to contract with a competent engineering/architectural/surveying firm, registered to practice in the State of Texas, and has and experience in the following areas:

    •   Municipal construction including but not limited to waterworks projects;
    •   Registered and in good standing as a professional engineer per the Texas Engineering Practice Act;
    • Federally-funded construction projects;
    • Projects located in this general region of the state;
    •   Firms must have an active registration with the System for Award Management ( AND have been cleared (not suspended or debarred).  Provide proof of registration along with your Statement of Qualifications;

    For more experience and qualification requirements, please see the attachment at the bottom.

      III. For this RFQ, Respondent's qualifications will be evaluated and the most qualified Respondent will be selected, subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation.

    • Upon the award of this contract, profit (either %/actual cost) must be identified and negotiated as a separate element of the price for any contract in excess of $250,000 Federal ($50,000 in the State of Texas per Texas Local Government Code §262.023).

    IV. Evaluation Criteria - The proposals received will be evaluated and ranked.  For more information on the criteria, please see the attachment at the bottem.

    V. Submission Requirements - The submission requirements below are required but are not all of the requirements:

    •   A copy of your current certificate of insurance for professional liability.
    •   Statement of Conflicts of Interest (if any) the service provider or key employees may have regarding thses services, and a plan for mitigating the conflict(s). Note that Entity may in its sole discretion determine whether or not a conflict disqualifies a firm, and/or whether or not a conflict mitigation plan is acceptable.
    • System for Award Management.  Service Providers must have an active registration in the System for Award Management (  Service provider and its Principals may not be debarred or suspended nor otherwise on the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) in the System for Award Management (SAM).  Include verification that the service provider as well as its principals are not listed (are not debarred) through the System for Award Management ( This clearance information should be included in the service provider's Proposal.  The clearance in the Service Provider's proposal must be re-verified prior to award.  Enclose a printout of the search results that includes the record date.

      For more information on submission requirements, please see the attachment at the bottom.

    VI. Contracting with HUB, small and minority businesses, women's business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms.
      If the awarded vendor (prime) uses subcontractors, small and minority businesses, women's business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms must be included in the solicitation.

      For more information, please see the attachment at the bottem.

    VII. Deadline for Submission - It is the responsibility of the submitting entity to ensure that the SOQ is received in a timely manner.  SOQs received after the deadline will not be considered for award, regardless of whether or not the delay was outside the control of the submitting firm.

      Please submit your statement of qualification via thumb drive or 4 physical copies to:

    Jim Wells County Judge
    Attn: Isabel Trevino
    200 N. Almond St. 101
    Alice, TX 78332

      SOQs must be received by the County no later than 12:00 PM on Monday, April 3rd, 2023 to be considered.


    For more information on what is required for this Request of Qualifications, please the attachment below.

    Attachment: Jim Wells County CFC 2023 RFQ Packet.pdf

  • Closed on March 30, 2023

    The Jim Wells County of Texas is requesting sealed bids for the Emergency Generator at the County Courthouse Project until 2:00 p.m. Central Time on Thursday, March 30th, 2023 at the Jim Wells County Courthouse.

    The sealed bids are being requested for several items of work:
    1. Emergency Generator Equipment
    2. Electrical Wiring and Controls
    3. Concrete Pad

    Bidders are expected to thoroughly inspect the construction site and inform themselves regarding all local conditions and requirements. Prospective bidders are invited to attend a non-mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting at the Courthouse at 200 North Almond Street, Alice, Texas 78332 at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 23, 2023.

    Bidding Documents, including drawings and technical specifications, may be obtained from Hanson Professional Services Inc. at 4501 Gollihar Road, Corpus Christi, Texas 78411, 361-814-9900. Documents may be obtained in electronic or hard copy format. Please see the attachment below for information on obtaining copies and the costs for the copies.

    All contractors and subcontractors must be cleared (not suspended or debarred) prior to any formal action authorizing the award of a contract to the contractor.  Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to submit bids.

    Bids must be delivered to the Jim Wells County Courthouse - 200 North Almond Street, Alice, Texas 78332, addressed to the Honorable Pedro "Pete" Trevino, County Judge and bear the name Emergency Generator at County Courthouse Project in bold print on the outside of the envelope. 

    The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. Central Time on Thursday, March 30th, 2023 at the County Courthouse - 200 North Almond Street, Alice, Texas 78332.

    The County of Jim Wells reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding.  Bids may be held by the Jim Wells County for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder's qualifications prior to the contract award.

    For more information, please see the attachment below.

    Attachment: Advertisement for Bids for Emergency Generator - 2023.pdf 

  • Closed on March 23, 2023

    Jim Wells County is soliciting bid proposals for Lawn Services.  Bid proposals will be received until Tuesday, March 23, 2023, at 5:00 P.M.  Bid proposals will be received and reviewed by the Jim Wells County Judge and Maintenance Department.

    The bid proposal will be for lawn services of four (4) Jim Wells County Properties as follows:


    1. Courthouse
    2. Sheriff's Department
    3. Adult Probation Annex
    4. Juvenile Probation

    The following are duties/services required in this request for bid proposals:

    1. Mowing grass, edging, trimming hedges and bushes, mulching/fertilize yearly. Raking and debris removal (broken branches, etc...) two (2) times per month and lawn should be maintained at 2 1/2 / 3 inches high.
    2. Blow entrances and sidewalks, pick up trash and debris Monday thru Thursday. This is to be done every morning prior to 7:30 A.M.
    3. Weed Flower beds as needed.

    Submission of Proposals: Hand-Delivered Proposals shall be delivered to :

    Jim Wells County Judge’s Office
    REF: Lawn Services
    Attention: Isabel Trevino
    200 N. Almond Street
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Mailed Proposals shall be sent to:

    Jim Wells County Judge’s Office
    REF: Lawn Services
    Attention: Isabel Trevino
    200 N. Almond Street
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Attachment: Jim Wells Lawn Services 2023.pdf

    The deadline for bid proposals is Tuesday, March 23, 2023, at 5:00 P.M.

  • Closed on Februrary28, 2023.


    Jim Wells County is soliciting sealed Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from qualified consultants for Grant Writing (application preparation), Project Management, and Grant Administration for funding opportunities through USDA, the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) and other state or federal agencies. Proposals will be received until Tuesday, February 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. Proposals received will then be opened in the Jim Wells County Judges' Chambers and read aloud.

    Submission of Proposals: One (1) Original, Four (4) copies and One (I) USB Flash Drive.

    Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked:

     Request for Proposals: Grant Writing and Grant Administration

     RFP # 2023-004

         "Do Not Open in the Mailroom."

       Mailed Proposals shall be sent to:

    Jim Wells County Judge's Office

    RFP # 2023-004 Grant Writing and Grant Administration

    Attention: Isabel Trevino

    200 N. Almond Street Ste. 101

    Alice, Texas 78332


       Hand-Delivered Proposals shall be delivered to:

    Jim Wells County Judge's Office

    RFP # 2023-004 Grant Writing and Grant Administration

    Attention: Isabel Trevino

    200 N. Almond Street Ste. 101

    Alice, Texas 78332


    Proposals received after the deadline will not be opened and will be opened and will be returned, upon the request by respondent.


    Special Instructions, Limitations:


    The Jim Wells County reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all RFP's and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities and to accept the RFP deemed most advantageous to the County and hold the Proposals for a period of 60 days without taking action. Respondents are required to hold their Proposal for same period of time.


    Please read the RFP requirements thoroughly and be sure that the Proposal offered complies with all requirements/specifications noted.  Any variation from the solicitation requirements/specifications must be clearly indicated by letter, on a point-by-point basis, attached to and made part of the Proposal submitted.  If exceptions are noted, and you are the successful respondent, it will be required that the service(s) be provided as specified.


    For information on scope of services, the evaluation criteria and more, please see the attachment below.

    Attachment: No. 2023-004 Request For Proposals for Grant Writing/Administration Services


    Inquiries involving the procedural matters, scope of work, minimum qualifications, or response requirements of the RFP, must be submitted at least 3 business days prior to the deadline and submitted via email to


    Contact:  Isabel Trevino, Executive Administrative Assistant to:

    Jim Well County Judge

    200 N. Almond Street Ste. 101

    Alice, Texas 78332

    (o) 361.668.5706


  • Jim Wells County is requesting formal sealed bids for Seal Coat Project(s) for the following:

    Single Course:

    Locations Square Yards
    Pct.#1 CR137 55,260
    Pct.#1 CR145 58,608
    Pct.#1 CR170 10,318
    Pct.#2 CR225 4,690
    Pct.#2 CR234 4,690
    Pct.#2 CR239 46,900
    Single Course Total: 180,466

    Single Course Asphaltic Surface Treatment, Asphalt and Coated Rock, According to Specifications, Complete in Place
    Single Course: AC-10    .28 gal/sy, GR-4 Rock    1cy/100sy.

    The Second Course:

    Locations Square Yards
    Pct.#2 CR225 10,320
    Pct.#2 CR234 11,256
    Pct.#2 CR239 16,884
    Pct.#3 Knolle Lane 4,693
    Pct.#3 Patton Lane 3,754
    Pct.#3 CR2799 4,974
    Pct.#3 CR3167 5,632
    Pct.#3 CR1900 3,379
    Double Course Total: 60,892

    Double Course Asphaltic Surface Treatment, Asphalt and Coated Rock, According to Specifications, Complete in Place
    1st Course: AC-10  .30 gal/sy, GR-3 Rock  1cy/90sy
    2nd Course: AC-10  .28 gal/sy, GR-4 Rock  1cy/100sy

    Jim Wells County sole purpose and intent of this Invitation to Bid is to secure a firm price for this seal coat project.  This work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for the application of the Jim Wells County Modified Road System Seal Coat Project as directed.  Bids will be received until Friday, August 11, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. in the office of the Jim Wells County Judge located at 200 N. Almond St., Alice, TX 78332.  Bid forms should be submitted and mailed in a sealed envelope.  All bids received will by formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners Court on Monday, August 14, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.  All interested parties are invited to attend.  Said bids shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder.  Contract will be awarded by lump sum or line item.  All Bids are subject to the Terms & Conditions, and Provisions of this solicitation.  Bids received after the due date and at that time will not be accepted.  Copies of the bid specifications and forms are available at the office of Jim Wells County Judge.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid. 

    Submission of Sealed Bids: One(1) Original, Four (4) copies

    Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked:

    Invitation to Bid:  Seal Coat Project(s) Bid No. 2023-03
    "Do Not Open in the Mailroom"

    Mailed Proposals shall be sent to:

    Jim Wells County Judge's Office
    Invitation to Bid: Seal Coat
    Project(s) Bid No. 2023-003
    200 N. Almond St., Ste. 101
    Alice, TX 78332

    Please read the Invitation to Bid requirements thoroughly and be sure that the bid offered complies with all requirements/specifications noted.  Any variations from the solicitation requirements/specifications must be clearly indicated by letter, on a point-by-point basis, attached to and made part of the bid submitted.  If exceptions are noted, and you are the successful Respondent, it will be required that the service(s) be provided as specified.

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Judge or see the attachment below.

    If you have any questions, please contact: 

    Isabel Trevino, Executive Administrator Assistant
    Jim Wells County Judge
    200 N. Almond St., Ste. 101
    Alice, Tx 78332
    Office Phone Number: (361)668-5706

    Attachment: Invitation to Bid: Seal Coat Project.pdf

  • Closed on January 3, 2023.

    Jim Wells County plans to apply for the upcoming CDBG 23-24 from the Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). Accordingly, the Jim Wells County is seeking to contract with a qualified Engineering/ Architectural/Surveying Firm(s) (individual/firm) to prepare all preliminary and final design plans and specifications, and to conduct all necessary interim and final inspections. These services are being solicited to assist the Jim Wells County in its application preparation and project implementation of a TxCDBG contract, if awarded, to support eligible activities in Jim Wells County. Please electronically submit your SOQs in .pdf format via email at .

    Please submit your SOQ to the address below on a thumb drive OR submit 5 copies of your SOQ of services to the following address: Attn: Jim Wells County, 200 N. Almond Alice, Texas 78332. SOQs must be received by the Jim Wells County no later than 1:00pm on Tuesday, January 03, 2023.

    The Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit SOQs, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards. Section 3 Residents and Business Concerns, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit SOQs. The Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Closed on January 9, 2023.

    Jim Wells County Pct 1 is requesting sealed bids for the procurement of Two Vehicles with the following specifications:  One (1) 4x4 Pickup Truck equipped with four doors in good used condition.  Fuel for this vehicle is to be gasoline.  One (1) ¾ ton Pickup Truck equipped with four doors in good used condition preferably diesel.

    Seal Bids must be mailed, or hand delivered to ATTN: Jim Wells County Judge Pedro "Pete" Trevino, 200 N. Almond St. 101, Alice, Texas 78332. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked “VEHICLE BID”, OPENING DATE AND TIME MUST ALSO BE INCLUDED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE ENVELOPE.  All bids must be received by Monday, January 9, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.  Bids will be opened in the presence of the Jim Wells County Commissioners Court on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 10:00 a.m Bidders are welcome to attend.  All purchases require the approval of the Commissioners Court.  NO LATE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES AND WILL BE RETURNED TO SENDER UNOPENED.

    This purchase is funded under a Federal Program of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).  Under the regulations of ARPA, the funds for the purchase of vehicle cannot be requisitioned until after delivery and inspection of the equipment has been completed.  This means that full payment for the (unit)s will be made 15-30 days after delivery, inspection, and acceptance of the unit(s).  Please keep this in mind when providing your bid. Jim Wells County will issue a purchase order to the vendor that provides the lowest price as well as meeting the specifications described in the vehicle specification outlined by Jim Wells County, including any options selected.

    Jim Wells County will award its contract to the responsible and responsive company providing the lowest unit cost per vehicle, including base cost, plus any options selected by Jim Wells County Pct. 1.

    Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit proposals and may award one or more contracts to one or more bidder. If you require additional information, please contact Pct. 1, Margie H. Gonzalez, Commissioner at (361) 668-5763.

  • Closed on December 21, 2022.

    The County of Jim Wells is seeking to purchase physical access control devices, equipment & services for county offices at the County Courthouse.  The physical access control devices must be integrated with the courthouse's current centralized controller system and be able to work using a single ID card and central control mechanism or feature that can provide access to entrances.  To be considered, the County Judge's Office must receive four (4) copies of your proposal by 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 21, 2022.  Bids will be opened publicly at Commissioner Court on Tuesday, December 27, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in the Jim Wells County Courtroom.  Contact the County's IT Administrator (361-668-5892) for any desired clarifications or additional information.  The engagement will be awarded to the Provider proposing service at the best value for the County.

    While pre-bid walk-throughs are not mandatory, they are very much encouraged, as participants will have the opportunity to visit each county office.  Walk-throughs can be scheduled Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

    Any proprietary information submitted proposal should be segregated and labeled proprietary with a request that the proprietary information be returned to the Provider. The County of Jim Wells will retain all submitted documents not labeled proprietary and may utilize information contained in proposals.  Any proposal submitted with a blanket statement that would prohibit or substantially limit public inspection will be rejected.  The County of Jim Wells will not be responsible for exposes incurred in preparing proposals.  The County of Jim Wells reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted.  Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance of the conditions contain in this request.

    Please see the attachment below for full RFP in its entirety on what is being requested.

    Attachment: No. 2022-015 Request for Proposals for Physical Access Control Devices & Services.pdf

    Please submit all proposals to the County Judge's Office:

    Linda V. Reynolds
    200 N. Almond St., Ste 101
    Alice, Texas 78332
    Email Address:

  • Closed on December 9, 2022.

    The County of Jim Wells Precinct #3 is requesting sealed bids on seal coat projects in the Precinct #3 area.  The successful bidder will be responsible for equipment and logistics of oil and asphalt to be used on the projects.  Precinct #3 will be responsible for all surface prep work prior to commencement of the project. 

    The approximately total square yards for the job will be 5,280 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Single Course:  County Roads 339,  Approximate Quantity   5,280 sq. yds.,  AC - 10,    .28 gal/sy - GR-4,   1 cy/100 sy

    The approximately total square yards for the job will be 19,066 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Single Course:  County Road 3081, Approximate Quantity 19,066 sq. yds.,  AC - 10,     .28 gal/sy - GR-4,   1 cy/100 sy

    All bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions & Provisions of this solicitation.  Bid package are due before 4:00 p.m. on December 9, 2022.   Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  All bids will be formerly opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of Jim Wells County Commissioners' Court on December 12, 2022.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Pct #3, Jim Wells County Judge or by visiting our website at

    Please mail or hand deliver proposal to:

    Office of Jim Wells County Clerk
    Attn:  J.C. Perez III
    200 N. Almond Street
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Attachment:  Request for Bids Pct 3 Commissioners 11-14-2022.pdf

  • Closed on November 21, 2022.

    The County of Jim Wells is seeking to enter into an administration/professional contract with a competent professional administration/management firm/consultant to assist the County in the overall administration and management of its proposed HOME fund project, if funded, by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).

    The attachment below is a copy of the County of Jim Wells Request for Proposals ("RFP") for administration/professional services contract on the proposed HOME fund project, if funded. The attachment outlines the request for the proposals, including the scope of work, qualifications, costs of services and more.

    Submission requirements are also included in the attached RFP. Please submit proposal of services and statement of qualifications to:

    Linda V. Reynolds
    200 N. Almond St., Ste 101
    Alice, Texas 78332
    Email Address:

    Along with the proposal, you must also include verification that your company as well as the company's principal or principals are not listed (is not debarred) through the federal government's System for Award Management ( Please include a printout of the search results.

    The deadline for submission of proposals is November 21, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Please send 4 copies of your proposal to the County Judge's office. It is the responsibility of the submitting entity to ensure that the proposal is received in a timely manner. The County of Jim Wells reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firms submitting proposals, per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.

    The County of Jim Wells is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.  Section 3 Residents, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area firms are encouraged to submit proposals.

    Attachment: RFP No. 2022-012 RFP HOME Packet.pdf

  • Closed on November 22, 2022.

    Jim Wells County will received sealed for Luncheon Catering Service for the Jim Wells County Annual Safety Luncheon, until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022 at the Jim Wells County Judges Office located at 200 N. Almond, Suite 101, Alice, Texas 78332.  Bids will be opened publicly at the Commissioners Court on Monday, November 28th, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m. in the Jim Wells County Courtroom.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of County Judge at 361-668-5706.

    Attachment: RFP No. 2022-011 Bids for Luncheon.pdf


  • Closed on November 9, 2022.

    Jim Wells County is seeking to enter into an [engineering/architectural] services contract with a state registered [engineer/architect].

    See attachment below is a copy of Jim Wells County Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") for engineering/architectural services.  These services are being solicited to assist Jim Wells County in its application and project implementation of a contract, if awarded from the GLO's CDBG MIT-MOD program(s).  Jim Wells County is considering applying for such funding to support activities in the County of Jim Wells.

    Please note the following changes to the Engineering Scope of Work("SOW"):

    • Initial Engineering and Design Support - Page 6 Item b;
    • Initial Engineering and Design Support - Page 7 Item m;
    • Engineering and Final Design Support - Page 7 Item b; and
    • Contract Management and Construction Oversight - Page 8 Item q

    Multiple contracts may be awarded as a result of this solicitation.

    The submission requirements for this SOQ are also included on the attached Request for Qualification (RFQ) form.  Please submit a Statement of Qualifications ("SOQ") to:

    Linda V. Reynolds
    200 N. Almond St., Ste 101
    Alice, Texas 78332
    Email Address:

    The deadline for submission of SOQs is 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022.  It is the responsibility of the submitting entity to ensure that the SOQ is received in a timely manner.  SOQs received after the deadline will not be considered for award, regardless of whether or not the delay was outside the control of the submitting provider.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all service providers submitting timely SOQs.

    Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.  Section 3 Residents, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area Firms are encouraged to submit SOQs.

    Attachment: CDBG MIT-MOD RFQ Packet.pdf

  • Closed on November 9, 2022.

    Jim Wells County is seeking well-qualified administration/activity delivery service provider(s) to assist the County in preparing application(s) for and in the overall administration or implementation of proposed CDBG MIT-MOD program(s), if funded, by the Texas General Land Office (GLO).  

    See attachment below is a copy of the County of Jim Wells Request for Proposals ("RFP") for professional administration services.  These services are being solicited to assist the County of Jim Wells in its application(s) for and implementation of one or more contracts, if awarded, from the GLO's CDBG MIT-MOD program(s).  

    Service providers may submit proposals for any or all activities listed in the attached Scope of Work.  Multiple contracts may be awarded as a result of this solicitation.  Jim Wells County will, in its sole discretion, determine the number of contracts awarded, and may decide not to award any contracts.

    The submission requirements for this proposal are included in the attached RFP.  Please submit a proposal of services and statement of qualifications to:

    Linda V. Reynolds
    200 N. Almond St., Ste 101
    Alice, Texas 78332
    Email Address:

    The deadline for submission of proposals is 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022.  It is the responsibility of the submitting entity to ensure that the proposal is received in a timely manner.  Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for award, regardless of whether or not the delay was outside the control of the submitting provider.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all service providers submitting timely proposals.

    Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.  Section 3 Residents, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and Labor Surplus Area Firms are encouraged to submit proposals.

    Attachment: CDBG MIT-MOD RFP Packet.pdf

  • Closed on September 27, 2022.

    Jim Wells County is currently looking for proposals for a project to repair and restore the Courthouse Dome. The project consists of the following:

    Dome Roof

    • Power wash entire metal dome roof.
    • Repair all cracks and screws.
    • Roll on one primer coat over entire metal dome roof.
    • Roll on one coat of sealer on primed area of entire metal dome roof.
    • Roll on 2 coats of fibered aluminum roof coating sealer.
    • Repair and coat the square metal box on the roofline of the East-West Courthouse ridge to match dome.

    Dome Windows

    • Remove all existing windows from dome area.
    • Remove all existing window frames and structures.
    • Rebuild window frame structures with new treated wood and install new window bracing and supports and underlying main supports.
    • All outside window wood structures to be replaced with new treated wood. Replacement wood must be primed, sealed and painted.
    • Install new full glass windows and install wood pattern consistent with historic design. New windows trim to be treated, primed, sealed and painted.

    Contractor will be required to work closely with courthouse administration to consult on any decisions related to maintaining the historic design and aesthetic of the original JWC courthouse design. Contractor must keep entire work area safe and always secured. All trash and debris to be removed by contractor at its expense.

    Those wishing to submit a bid for the project must provide, at a minimum, the following items: Proof of all other appropriate professional licensing as required by the State of Texas.  A disposal and recycling plan for all structures and debris removed from the site, Proof of Insurance, General Liability, Workers Comp, Automobile (must be current)

    Bid Requirements

    Bids must be submitted in a timely manner. Bids must be signed by an official of the company authorized to bind the offeror. The proposed price shall be good for a period of at least one hundred twenty (120) days from the submittal date. Jim Wells County reserves the right to refuse any and all bids and to waive any technicalities and formalities. JIM WELLS COUNTY reserves the right to negotiate with all qualified offerors and reserves the right to cancel this solicitation in part or in its entirety if it is in the best interest of JIM WELLS COUNTY to do so. Any agreement for services is subject to board approval. This solicitation does not commit JIM WELLS COUNTY to award a contract, or to pay for any cost incurred in the preparation of your proposals, or to procure or contract for any articles of goods or services.

    Scope of Service

    1. Fees. Contractor is responsible for all permits, fees, inspections, certifications and approvals necessary to complete this project as outlined by the standards established by federal, state, and local authorities.
    2. Project Schedule. The project will proceed in a single phase. Contractor shall complete repair and restoration of the structure as described above within thirty (30) calendar days of Notice to Proceed.
    3. Dumping Requirements: All demolition debris must be taken to a licensed landfill.
    4. Infrastructure Protection: Contractor will be liable for any damage to public property.
    5. Safety:  Public safety must be considered at all times. The Contractor must take precautions at all times to utilize and store materials and equipment in a way that will prevent injury to citizens. Before leaving for the day, Contractor must ensure that proper signs, caution tape, physical barriers or other devices as needed to signal a hazard or restrict public access are in place. In addition, the Contractor must insure the safety of their workers by adhering to industry best practices, OHSHA safety, and traffic safety guidelines as applicable for the activity being performed. In addition, Contractor will assure that all construction permitting, abatement, demolition and debris removal will comply with applicable State and Federal regulations and procedures covering demolition, i.e., Texas Dept. of Environmental Quality, OSHA, Texas Labor Commission, and Federal Department of Transportation.


    All proposals must be Sealed and delivered by 9:00 A.M. Tuesday, September 27, 2022.

    Project Proposal:  Repair and Restoration of the Courthouse Dome.

    All bids must be sealed and delivered to the following address:

    Attn: J.C. Perez, III
    Jim Wells County Clerk
    200 N. Almond St., Suite 103
    Alice, Texas 78332

  • Closed on September 12, 2022.

    Jim Wells County is requesting bid proposals to weatherize the Open Pavilion at the Jim Wells County Fairgrounds. Bid proposals will be accepted to weatherize the Open Pavilion at the Jim Wells County Fairgrounds as described below:

    1. A design to merge the roof structures between the Open Pavilion and the Merchants Building and include a plan for complete rainwater drainage.
    2. The west wall of the pavilion will be fully enclosed with a 16ft. x 14ft. opening and roll up door.
    3. The south and east walls will be covered to a height of 7ft. (opening on the bottom) with the east wall also having a 16ft. x 14ft. opening (no roll up door) as well.
    4. Metal exterior siding on all walls to be the same or similar to that of the existing Merchant Building.  Interior sides to be left open in the same manner as the Merchant Building.

    Jim Wells County, (hereinafter "County"), is inviting proposals from licensed and qualified vendors (hereinafter "Bidder") to provide services for the weatherization of the Open Pavilion at the Jim Wells County Fairgrounds as described above.  It is incumbent upon the Bidder to check the website for additional information and/or addendums.

    Attachment: Copy of the Request for Proposal - Open Pavilion Weatherization

    Timeline Schedule: Project must be completed on or before October 13, 2022.
    Deadline for submitting RFP: September 12, 2022 no later than 9:00 am 

    Proposals shall be submitted to:

    Jim Wells County Judge
    200 N. Almond
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Please mark the package clearly - Pavilion Weatherization - RFP #2022-008

  • Closed on July 8, 2022.

    The County of Jim Wells Precinct #3 is requesting sealed bids on seal coat project in the Precinct #3 area.  The successful bidder will be responsible for equipment and logistics of oil and asphalt to be used on the project.  Precinct #3 will be responsible for all surface prep work prior to commencement of the project.  

    The approximately total square yards for the job will be 19,200 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Single Course:

    County Road 369, 372, and House Ave.

    Approximate Quantity 19,200 sq. yds.,  AC - 10,  .28 gal/sy,  GR-4,  1 cy/100sy


    All bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions & Provisions, of this solicitation.  Bid package are due before 4:00 p.m. on July 8, 2022.  Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  All bids will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioner's Court on July 11, 2022.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid.

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the Office of Jim Wells County Commissioner Pct. #3, Jim Wells County Judge or by visiting our website at


    Application for Bid: Request for bids - Single course seal coat project

    Please Mail or Hand Deliver Proposal to:

    Attn:  J.C. Perez, III

         Jim Wells County Clerk

         200 N. Almond St., Suite 103

         Alice, Texas 78332

  • Closed on July 1, 2022.

    The Jim Wells County is currently looking for bids for a project to Re-Roof the Main Courthouse Tile roof. 

    The project includes:

    • Remove existing tile roof safely and secured to ground level with extension forklift.
    • Remove bird stop eave trim around entire eave of roof.
    • Sweep clean remaining underlayment.
    • Install a Polyglass MTS Plus self-adhesive waterproof underlayment.
    • Install new 26-gauge metal W copper color valley flashings onto all valleys.
    • Replace all roof lead jacks and roof vents with new ones.
    • Replace all metal flashings with new lead flashings where tile meets up with dome roof and metal boxes.
    • All channel gutter system running around entire eave of roof will be sealed with two coats of Elastomeric coating.
    • Install new 26-gauge metal eave trim around eave of entire roof bronze color.
    • Install bird stop for tile to go back onto entire eave of roof.
    • Install existing roofing tile back onto place over new waterproof underlayment.
    • Install all ridge, hip caps, and add new mortar mix to seal properly.
    • All tile to be power washed and cleaned.
    • Contractor must keep entire work area safe and always secured.

    All bids must be Sealed and delivered by 10:00 A.M. Friday, July 1st.

    Project Proposal: Re-Roof Main Courthouse Tile Roof Application

    All bids must be sealed and delivered to the following address:

    Attn:  J.C. Perez, III

         Jim Wells County Clerk

         200 N. Almond St., Suite 103

         Alice, Texas 78332

  • Closed on May 25, 2022.

    Jim Wells County is considering applying to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for the 2022 Colonia Construction Fund Services of the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program.  Accordingly, Jim Wells County is seeking to contract with a qualified Engineering/Architectural/Surveying firm(s) to assist in applying and, if funded, in fulfilling contractual compliance with TDA.

    Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on May 25th, 2022, to be considered. The County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all firms or consultants that submit proposals as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act.

    Please electronically submit your SoQ in PDF format via email/website to/at and/or submit your proposal to the address below on a thumb drive OR submit 4 copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to the following address:

    Attn: Linda V. Reynolds

            200 N. Almond St., Ste 101

                               Alice, Tx 78332

    Attachment: (RFQ) for Engineering - Architectural - Surveying Services - TxCDBG Program Year 2022 Colonia Construction Fund.pdf

  • Closed May 25, 2022.

    Jim Wells County is considering applying to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) for the 2022 Colonia Construction Fund Services of the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program.  Accordingly, Jim Wells County is seeking to contract with a qualified construction/planning consultant to assist in applying and, if funded, in fulfilling contractual compliance with TDA.

    Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on May 25th, 2022, to be considered. The County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all firms or consultants that submit proposals as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act.

    Please electronically submit your proposal in PDF format via email/website to/at and/or submit your proposal to the address below on a thumb drive OR submit 4 copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to the following address:

    Attn: Linda V. Reynolds

            200 N. Almond St., Ste 101

                              Alice, Tx 78332

    Attachment: (RFP) for Administration - Professional Services - TxCDBG 2022 Colonia Construction Fund Services.pdf

  • Closed on May 31, 2022.

    The County of Jim Wells plans to apply for the upcoming 2018 South Texas Floods CDBG-DR-4377 (2018 Floods) program(s) from the Texas General Land Office (GLO).  Accordingly, the County is seeking to contract with a qualified Engineering/Architectural/Surveying Firm (individual/firm) to prepare all preliminary and final design plans and specifications, and to conduct all necessary interim and final inspections.  These services are being solicited to assist the County in its application preparation and project implications of a CDBG-DR contract(s), if awarded, to support eligible activities in the County of Jim Wells.

    Statements of Qualifications must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on May 31st, 2022 to be considered. The County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit proposals.

    Please electronically submit your SoQ in .pdf format via email/website to/at and/or submit your proposal to the address below on a thumb drive OR submit 4 copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to the following address:

    Attn: Linda V. Reynolds

            200 N. Almond St., Ste 101

                               Alice, Tx 78332

    Attachment: (RFQ) for Engineering - Architectural - Surveying Services - Texas GLO 2018 South Texas Floods CDBG-DR-4377 (2018 Floods).pdf

  • Closed on May 31, 2022.

    The County of Jim Wells plans to apply for 2018 South Texas Floods CDBG-DR-4377 (2018 Floods) from the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and is soliciting proposals to provide administration and/or planning services for CDBG contract(s), if awarded. 

    Proposals must be received by the County no later than 2:00 p.m. on May 31st, 2022, to be considered.  The County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit proposals and may award one or more contracts to one or more service provider(s).

    Please electronically submit your proposal in .pdf format via email/website to/at and/or submit your proposal to the address below on a thumb drive OR submit 4 copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to the following address:

    Attn: Linda V. Reynolds

             200 N. Almond St., Ste 101

                                Alice, Tx 78332


    Attachment: (RFP) for Administration Professional Services - Texas GLO 2018 South Texas Floods CDBG-DR-4377 (2018 Floods).pdf

  • Closed on May 9th, 2022.

    Notice is hereby given that Jim Wells County is currently accepting sealed bids for operation of the snack bar/coffee shop at the County Courthouse. The snack bar/coffee shop shall serve a traditional breakfast menu and shall be open at a minimum from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. during regular business hours. All Bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions, & Provisions, of this solicitation. Bid packages are due before 4:00 p.m. (Central time), on May 5th, 2022. Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted. All Bids will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners’ Court on May 9th, 2022. Please see the attached contract/lease agreement for the terms and conditions which the successful bidder will be required to comply with. The attachment should be printed or may be picked up at the Office of the Jim Wells County Judge. The form shall be completed with the proposed monthly rental amount filled in by the bidder. The completed form shall be submitted to the Office of the Jim Wells County Judge by the deadline stated above. Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid.

    Attachment: Snack bar RFP 2022.pdf

  • Closed on November 29, 2021

    Jim Wells County will received sealed for Luncheon Catering Service for the Jim Wells County Annual Safety Luncheon, until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021 at the Jim Wells County Judges Office located at 200 N. Almond, Suite 101, Alice, Texas 78332.  Bids will be opened publicly at the Commissioners Court on Monday, November 29th, 2021 @ 10:00 a.m. in the Jim Wells County Courtroom.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of County Judge at 361-668-5706.

    Attachment: RFP No. 2021-008 Bids for Luncheon.pdf


  • Closed on November 5, 2021

    The County of Jim Wells is requesting a bid for the engineering of this project.  These services are being solicited to assist Jim Wells County in its construction and project implementation of the Tecolote Trail located on 192 CR 120 Alice, Texas.

    Firms and/or individuals should have experience with federally funded programs.  Please submit a proposal of services to Precinct #1 Commissioner Margie H. Gonzalez's email at

    Along with your bid proposal, you must also include verification that your company as well as the company's principal is not listed (is not debarred) through the System for Award Management (  Please include a print out of the search results.

    The deadline for submission of this proposal is November 5th, 2021.  The County of Jim Wells reserves the right to negotiate with any and all persons or firms submitting proposals, per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards.

    The County if Jim Wells is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

    Attachment: Texas ParksandWildlifeBIDforEngineerSVcs.pdf

  • Closed on August 6, 2021

    The County of Jim Wells Precinct #2 is requesting sealed bids on seal coat projects in the Precinct #2 area.  The successful bidder will be responsible for equipment and logistics of oil and asphalt to be used on the projects.  Precinct #2 will be responsible for all surface prep work prior to commencement of the project.  The approximately total square yards for job will be 15,000 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Single Course:  County Road 211 Approximate Quantity   15,000 sq. yds.  - Ac - 10    .28 gal/sy - GR-4   1 cy/100 sy

    All bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions & Provisions of this solicitation.  Bid package are due before 4:00 p.m. on August 6, 2021.   Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  All bids will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners' Court on August 9, 2021.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Pct #2, Jim Wells County Judge or by visiting our website at

    Please mail or hand deliver proposal to:

    Office of Jim Wells County Clerk
    Attn:  J.C. Perez III
    200 N. Almond Street
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Attachment:  Single course seal coat project CR 211.pdf

  • Closed on July 8, 2021

    Description: 25’ x 112’ x 12’ Clear Span PEMB
    to Include Monolithic Slab & Footing Design

    Proposal Submittal Deadline: Thursday, July 8, 2021, 4:00 PM

    Design/Build Pre-Engineered Metal Building

    Jim Wells County is requesting proposals from qualified Design Build Contractors to provide planning and construction services for the following project:

    • Scope and Nature - Jim Wells County is accepting proposals for the design and construction of a 25' x 112' x 12' clear span, pre-engineered metal building.
    • Site - The address of the project is 2310 Old Kingsville Road Alice, Texas, 78332.

    Before submitting a response to this RFP, each prospective DBC shall carefully read and examine all of the documents associated with this RFP and visit the project site. Each prospective DBC is expected to fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations under which work is to be performed prior to responding. The submission of a response to this RFP will be viewed as confirmation that the prospective DBC has made such an examination. Please note that proposals that are not responsive to all sections of the RFP requirements will not be taken into consideration. By submitting a proposal, the DBC confirms that:

    • He/she has reviewed and understands the requirements of the RFP and has confirmed their proposal is in accordance with such requirements.
    • He/she has visited the site, become familiar with existing site and local conditions, and has correlated site observations with the requirements of the RFP.
    • The response to the RFP is based upon personnel and any systems, materials, and equipment as required by the RFP.
    • He/she has reviewed the baseline scope of work including, but not limited to, that which can be reasonably inferred from the RFP project description, existing site and local conditions, and any other supplemental information provided by Jim Wells County during the RFP period, etc.
    • He/she understands that the project scope, budget, and schedule may be modified to add or delete work scope. Jim Wells County will not issue documents or respond to inquiries related to the RFP to any other entities other than the one named as a DBC or their metal building supplier. Prospective contractors shall promptly notify Jim Wells County of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or error which may be discovered upon examination of this RFP.

    2. PROPERTY INSPECTION. All interested parties should contact JWC District Clerk David Guerrero at (361) 668-5717, Ext. 6 or to schedule a time to view the construction site.

    3. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION. 7 copies of the proposal shall be addressed and delivered in a sealed envelope to County Judge Juan Rodriguez, Jr., 200 N. Almond St, Suite 101 Alice, Texas 78332.  Email:

    Attachment: JWC District Clerk RFP.pdf

  • Closed on June 24, 2021

    As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the Jim Wells County anticipates receiving approximately $7.8 million in additional funds to address local needs generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because these funds will be received directly from the U.S. Treasury, the Jim Wells County is seeking expertise with respect to administration of the funds.

    Specifically, the Jim Wells County is seeking a professional consulting firm to provide expertise to augment staff’s capabilities to ensure compliance with federal regulations while maximizing the recovery of and beneficial uses of Rescue Plan dollars in the local community.

    The ideal consulting firm will have demonstrated experience in programmatic disaster recovery and must have intimate knowledge and expertise in the areas of compliance with the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s Uniform Guidance 2 CFR, Part 200 federal funding requirements, including but not limited to federal acquisition requirements, and operations of the FEMA Public Assistance Program..

    Please contact Jim Wells County Judge's Office, Linda Reynolds at 361-668-5706 Ext. 1, with any questions.

    Jim Wells County intends to fund the project through administrative overhead allowable under the American Rescue Plan Act.

    The submissions must be received by 10:00 a.m. on June 24, 2021 as an electronic copy in PDF format.  Submission must be transmitted via attachment to an email titled “Proposal for Disaster Recovery Consulting Services” and addressed to

    These instructions to offerors and all parts of the Request for Proposals are, by this reference, made part of the contract documents for this project is in the Attachment: RFP For American Rescue Act.pdf


  • Closed on April 22, 2021

    Jim Wells County will receive sealed bids for activities funded by its County Transportation Infrastructure Fund Grant Program Contract CTIF 02 053 until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 at the Office of the Jim Wells County Clerk at P.O. Box 1459, Alice, TX 78333.  Bids may be addressed to J.C. Perez III, County Clerk, (361) 668-5702, ext. 3.

    The date and time of the bid opening and the phrase "Jim Wells County Seal Coat Bid" shall be clearly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope containing the bid.  The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud during Commissioner's Court beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioner's Courtroom on Friday, April 23rd, 2021 at the Jim Wells County Courthouse at 200 N. Almond, Alice TX 78332.

    Bids are invited for project locations and approximate quantities of work as follows:

    Project Location and Description Length Area


    Jim Wells County may award all, a portion, or none of the alternate bid item(s) through bid process.

    Additional bid sheets and specifications may be obtained at the Jim Wells County Clerk's Office 200 N. Almond St., Ste. 103, Alice, Texas 78332; or on the Jim Wells County website at

    Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond payable to Jim Wells County, Texas, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount bid as a guarantee that the contract and bonds will be entered into by the Contractor.  Within 30 days of contract execution and prior to beginning work, the Contractor must provide a performance bond and payment bond each in the amount of the total contract price.

    Bidders should use unit pricing.  Jim Wells County will select a bidder based on the lowest responsible base bid price and bidder's qualifications including past performance.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding.  The winning bid will be awarded at a later date during Commissioner's Court regular or specially called meeting after the bids have been evaluated.  Payment will be made in accordance with Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code.

    Contractors must pay workers not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages contained in the contract documents for all work performed on this project, in accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2258.  Contractors must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin.  HUBs are encourage to apply.

    Bids may be held by the County for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidders' qualifications prior to the contract award.  All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake in part or in full under this project.

    All prospective bidders are encourage to contact County Commissioner Ventura Garcia at (361) 701-5294 to arrange for an informal pre-bid meeting to discuss the work contained in this bid.

    Attachment: Jim Wells Co Materials Bid Packet.pdf

    Attachment: Jim Wells Co CTIF Addendum No. 1

  • Closed on April 8, 2021

    The Commissioner’s Court of Jim Wells County has authorized procurement for AC-10 oil for the 2020 TxDOT County Transportation Infrastructure Fund from multiple vendors. Send sealed bids to the attention of Linda Reynolds, Executive Administrative Assistant to the County Judge, (361) 668-5706 x 1, 200 N. Almond Street, Ste. 101 Alice, Texas 78332, on or before 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 8th, 2021.

    The date and time of the bid opening and the phrase “Jim Wells County AC-10 Bid” shall be clearly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope containing the bid. The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the County Commissioner’s Courtroom at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at 200 N. Almond Street, Alice, Texas 78332. The winning bid will be awarded at a later date during Commissioners Court regular or specially called meeting after the bids have been evaluated.

    Prices will be proposed for material-with-delivery. Bidders should use unit pricing.

    Jim Wells County will select material based on price per gallon, bidder’s delivery availability, and proximity to ongoing and future Jim Wells County road work. In determining the lowest and best bid for a contract for the purchase of road construction material, the County may consider the company plant location of the bidders.

    The Commissioners Court may award contracts for the purchase of road construction material to more than one bidder if each of the selected bidders submits the lowest and best bid for a particular location or type of material (Local Government Code Sec 262.027). Bids must be submitted on the bid form in the unit given on the form. Payment will be made in accordance with Chapter 2251, Texas Government Code.

    Please contact County Commissioner Margie H. Gonzales at (361) 368-5763, County Commissioner Ventura Garcia at (361) 668-5704, County Commissioner Renee Kirchoff Chapa at (361) 384-2747, or County Commissioner Wicho Gonzalez at (361) 348-3213, with any questions. Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding.

    All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.

    Bids may be held for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidders’ qualifications prior to the contract award. HUBs are encouraged to submit. 

    Attachment: Jim Wells Co CTIF Oil Bid Packet.pdf


  • Closed on February 4, 2021

    The Commissioner’s Court of Jim Wells County has authorized procurement for seal coat materials for the 2020 TxDOT County Transportation Infrastructure Fund from multiple vendors.  The County will receive sealed bids for Grade 3 and Grade 4 Aggregate and AC-10 until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 4th, 2021 at the County Judge’s Office at 200 N. Almond Street, Ste. 101 Alice, Texas 78332.  

    The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 4th, 2021 at 200 N. Almond Street, Ste. 101 Alice, Texas 78332. Bid(s) will be awarded at a later date during Commissioners Court regular or specially called meeting after the bids have been evaluated.

    Prices will be proposed for material-with-delivery.

    Jim Wells County will select material based on price per ton, quality of material, bidder’s delivery availability, and proximity to ongoing and future Jim Wells County road work.  In determining the lowest and best bid for a contract for the purchase of road construction material, the County may consider the company plant location of the bidders and the cost to the county of hauling the material to be purchased.  

    The Commissioners Court may award contracts for the purchase of road construction material to more than one bidder if each of the selected bidders submits the lowest and best bid for a particular location or type of material (Local Government Code Sec 262.027).  Bids must be submitted on the bid form in the unit given on the form.  

    Please contact County Commissioner Margie H. Gonzales at (361) 368-5763, County Commissioner Ventura Garcia at (361) 668-5704, County Commissioner Renee Kirchoff Chapa at (361) 384-2747, or County Commissioner Wicho Gonzalez at (361) 348-3213, with any questions. Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding.

    All contractors/subcontractors that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project.

    Bids may be held for a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidders’ qualifications prior to the contract award.  HUBs are encouraged to submit.

  • Closed on September 24, 2020

    The Jim Wells County is seeking to enter into a professional services contract with a competent professional grantsmanship consultant to assist the County in the preparation and submission of an EDA application under the Rules and Regulation of U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) under the Cares Act Recovery Assistance Program.

    Submission requirements for this proposal are included in the attached Request for Proposals (RFP) form. Firms and/or individuals should have past experiences with federally funded programs. Please submit a sealed proposal of services and statement of qualifications to:

    Attn: Linda Reynolds, Executive Administrative Assistant for County Judge Juan Rodriquez, Jr.
    200 N. Almond, Ste. 101
    Alice, TX 78332

    Attachment:  Request for Proposals (RFP) for Grantsmanship Services.pdf

  • Closed on August 7, 2020

    The County of Jim Wells Precinct #2 is requesting sealed bids on seal coat projects in the Precinct #2 area.  The successful bidder will be responsible for equipment and logistics of oil and asphalt to be used on the projects.  Precinct #2 will be responsible for all surface prep work prior to commencement of the project.  The total square yards for all jobs will be 67,000 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Single Course:  County Road 220 Approximate Quantity   67,000 sq. yds.  - Ac - 10    .28 gal/sy - GR-4   1 cy/100 sy

    All bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions & Provisions of this solicitation.  Bid package are due before 4:00 p.m. on August 7, 2020.   Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  Commissioners' Court on August 10, 2020.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Pct #2, Jim Wells County Judge or by visiting our website at

    Please mail or hand deliver proposal to:

    Office of Jim Wells County Clerk
    Attn:  J.C. Perez III
    200 N. Almond Street
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Attachment:  Packet for seal coat project.pdf

  • Closed on January 23, 2020

    Notice is hereby given that Jim Wells County is currently accepting sealed bids for operation of the snack bar/coffee shop at the County Courthouse. The snack bar/coffee shop shall serve a traditional breakfast menu and shall be open at a minimum from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday.  All Bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions, & Provisions of this solicitation.  Bid packages are due before 4:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time), on January 23, 2020.  Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  All Bids will be formally opened and read publicly at the meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners' Court on January 24, 2020.  Please see the attached contract/lease agreement for the terms and conditions which the successful bidder will be required to comply with.  The attachment should be printed or may be picked up at the Office of the Jim Wells County Judge.  The form shall be completed with the proposed monthly rental amount filled in by the bidder.  The completed form shall be submitted to the Office of the Jim Wells County Judge by the deadline stated above.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of County Judge at 361-668-5706, option 1.

    Attachment: RFP No. 2020-001 Bids for Operation of Snack Bar Coffee Shop 

  • Closed on August 22, 2019

    The County of Jim Wells Precinct #2 is requesting sealed bids on seal coat projects in the Precinct #2 area.  The successful bidder will be responsible for equipment and logistics of oil and asphalt to be used on the projects.  Precinct #2 will be responsible for all surface prep work prior to commencement of the project.  The total square yards for all jobs will be 118,000 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Single Course:  County Roads 308 and 220 Approximate Quantity   118,000 sq. yds.  - Ac - 10    .28 gal/sy - GR-4   1 cy/100 sy

    All bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions & Provisions of this solicitation.  Bid package are due before 4:00 p.m. on August 22, 2019.   Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted.  Commissioners' Court on August 23, 2019.  Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Pct #2, Jim Wells County Judge or by visiting our website at

    Please mail or hand deliver proposal to:

    Office of Jim Wells County Clerk
    Attn:  J.C. Perez III
    200 N. Almond Street
    Alice, Texas 78332

    Attachment:  Request for Bids Pct 2 Commissioners.pdf

  • Closed on May 23, 2019

    Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Jim Wells County, Texas, proposes to enter into a contract with banking corporation, association or individual banker in such county for the depositing of public funds for such county in such bank or banks.

    Any banking corporation, association or individual banker in this county desiring to be designated as county depository for such funds shall make and deliver to the County Judge its applications required by V.T.C.A. Local Government Code, Sec. 116.023; such application to be delivered to the County Judge on or before 9:00 a.m. o'clock, May 23rd, 2019.

    A certified check in the amount of $115,840.00 accompanying the application shall be sufficient compliance as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the applicant for such public funds.

    Further notice is hereby given that the Commissioners' Court of Jim Wells County, Texas, proposes to enter into a contract with a banking corporation, association or individual banker in such county as may desire to be selected as depository for Trust Funds in possession by the County and District Clerks.

    Any banking corporation, association, or individual banker desiring to be designated as county depository for such Trust Funds shall file with the County Clerk on or before 9:00 o'clock A.M., May 23rd, 2019, its application as required by V. T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 117.021, a certified check in the amount of $2,648.00 accompanying the application shall be sufficient compliance as guarantee or good faith on the part of the applicant for such Trust Funds.

    The Commissioners' Court will then convene at their Special Meeting on May 24th, 2019, and publicly open and consider all applications received by the County Judge and County Clerk.

    Specifications and forms for depository application may be obtained from the County Judge's Office at the Jim Wells County Courthouse located at 200 N. Almond St., Alice, Texas 78332.

    Attachment: Not Available

  • Closed on April 25, 2019

    Jim Wells County is soliciting lease proposals to provide off site record and document storage. The Vendor must provide secure storage for the County's documents and equipment. All documents must be kept and stored in a facility within a reasonable distance from the Jim Wells County Courthouse. The term of the agreement shall be for a one-year (1) period, with an options to renew for an additional one year periods. The county seeks a minimum of 10,000 square feet of storage area.

    The facility shall be equipped to store records in a manner that complies with the following minimum storage conditions for records.

    • Climate controlled environment and protection and from fire, water, steam, structural collapse, unauthorized access, theft, exposure to direct sunlight, and other similar natural or man-made hazards.
    • Shall be protected by an operational fire detection system and must be in compliance with local fire codes.
    • Records or storage boxes shall not be stored in contact with the floor.
    • Shall not be stored in an area that is located in a 100 year flood plain area.
    • Maintenance of control protocol and procedures to safeguard confidential County records throughout the record care and/or term of the contract.
    • Vendor must provide proof during the term of the agreement of periodic treatment and/or inspection for rodents and insects.

    Vendors shall submit one (1) unbound, clearly marked original and five (5) copies of their proposal.

    Bids must be received at the Office of the Jim Wells County Judge by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, 2019. All submittals shall be sent to the attention of the Jim Wells County Judge in a sealed envelope that is clearly marked on the outside as follows: "RFP No. 2019-002 - Request for Proposals for Building Space for Records and Equipment Storage" Proposal Opening: Commissioners' Court meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 26, 2019. Vendors accept all risk of late delivery submissions regardless of instance or fault. A proposal received after the submission deadline will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the submitter.
    The County will NOT accept a proposal submitted by facsimile transmission (fax) or by electronic mail (email). All submissions and accompanying documentation will become the property of the County.

    Attachment: Not Available


  • Closed on February 8, 2019

    The County of Jim Wells Precinct 3 is requesting sealed bids on seal projects in the Precinct 3 Area. The successful bidder will be responsible for equipment and logistics of oil and asphalt to be used on the projects. Precinct 3 will be responsible for all surface prep work prior to commencement of the project. The total square yards for all jobs will be 22,000 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Double Course:
    Approximate Quantity 22,000 sq. yds. - Ac-10 .30 gal/sy - GR-3 ley/90sy (1st Course)
    - Ac-10 .28 gal/sy - GR-4 ley/100sy (2nd Course)

    All bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions & Provisions of this solicitation. Bid packages are due before 4:00 P.M on February 8, 2019. Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted. All bids will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioner's Court on February 11, 2019. Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid.

    For copies of the bid contract, please visit the office of Jim Wells County Judge Juan Rodriguez, Jr., or Precinct 3 Commissioner Carlos Gonzalez office located at 107 Armstrong Dr., Orange Grove, Texas. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office of County Judge at 361-668-5706, option 1.

    Attachment: Request For Bid - Revised - 01162019.pdf

  • Closed on November 26, 2018

    Jim Wells County will receive sealed bids for Luncheon Catering service for the Jim Wells County Annual Safety Luncheon, until 4:30 p.m. on November 26, 2018, at the Jim Wells County Judge's Office located at 200 N. Almond Street, Suite 101, Alice, Texas, 78332. Bids will be opened publicly on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the Jim Wells County Courtroom. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of County Judge at 361-668-5706, option 1.

    Attachment: Bid Instructions-Employee Safety Luncheon-2018.pdf

  • Closed on November 13, 2018

    Notice is hereby given that Jim Wells County is currently accepting sealed bids for Employees' Dental and Vision Insurance. The Bid Proposals will be for a comprehensive plan according to Jim Wells County specifications and requirements. All Bids should conform to the County's specifications and requirements with any exceptions noted on the Official Bid Proposal Form. Bid shall be submitted for a twelve 12) months period (January 1, 2019 thru December 31, 2019) and rates guaranteed for the twelve month period. Bids will be accepted only from bidders not prohibited under Article 3, Section 52 of the State Constitution and domiciled in the United States of America and licensed in the State of Texas. Bidder shall submit a proposal for Dental and Vision Insurance Coverage for employees and dependents to J.C. Perez III, Jim Well County Clerk, 200 N. Almond Street, Alice, Texas 78332. Proposals shall be received by the County no later than 10:00 A.M. on November 13, 2018.

    Attachment: 2019 Jim Wells County Insurance Bid Packet.pdf

  • Closed on October 29, 2018

    Jim Wells County will receive sealed bids for the Precinct #4 Chip Seal Project, until 1:00 p.m. on October 29 , 2018, at the Jim Wells County Judges Office located at 200 th N. Almond Street, Suite 101, Alice, Texas,78332, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids are invited for several items and quantities of work as follows:

    1. 2 Course Chip Seal 38,075 S. Y.
    2. 18" RCP Pipe Culvert 240 L.F.

    Bid/Contract Documents, including drawings and technical Specifications are on file at the office of the project engineer, R. E. Garcia and Associates, 116 N. 12th, Edinburg, Texas 78541. Copies of the Bid/Contract Documents may be obtained upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 for each set. You can reach R. E. Garcia & Associates at (956) 381-1061.

    A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid issued by an acceptable surety shall be submitted with each bid. A certified check or bank draft payable to Jim Wells County or negotiable U. S. Government Bond (as par value) may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond.

    Attention is called to the fact that not less than, the federally determined prevailing (Davis-Bacon and Related Acts) wage rate as issued by the United States Department of Labor and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. Adherence to the Grant Recipient’s Section 3 policy is required for contracts and subcontracts in excess of $100,000.00.

    Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the Jim Wells County for a period not to exceed 90 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigation of bidders qualifications prior to the contract award.

    Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Small, Minority and Female owned firms are encouraged to submit bid proposals.

    Attachment: Precinct 4 Chip Seal Project.pdf

  • Closed on August 23, 2018

    The Jim Wells County is seeking to enter into an engineering services contract with a state-registered engineer for the Precinct #4 Chip Seal/Paving Improvement Project. The engineering contract will encompass all project related engineering services to include design plans and specifications, preparation of bid packet, construction administration and inspections. Please submit five (5) copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to ATTN: Isabel Trevino, Jim Wells County Judge’s Executive Administrative Assistant, 200 N. Almond St., Suite 101, Alice Texas 78332. Proposals shall be received by the County no later than 5:00 P.M. on August 23, 2018 to be considered.

    Attachment: Not Available

  • Closed on August 10, 2018

    The County of Jim Wells Precinct 2 is requesting sealed bids on seal coat projects in the Precinct 2 Area. The successful bidder will be responsible for equipment and logistics of oil and asphalt to be used on the projects. Precinct 2 will be responsible for all surface prep work prior to commencement of the project. The total square yards for all jobs will be 65,000 square yards apportioned as follows:

    Single Course:
    Approximate Quantity 55,000 sq. yds. - Ac-10 .28 gal/sy - GR-4 1 cy/100sy

    Double Course:
    Approximate Quantity 10,000 sq. yds. -Ac-10 .30 gal/sy - GR-3 1 cy/90sy (1st course)
    -Ac-15P .28 gal/sy - GR-4 1 cy/100st (2nd course)

    All bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions & Provisions, of this solicitation. Bid packages are due before 4:00 p.m. on August 10, 2018. Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted. All bids will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioner's Court on August 13, 2018. Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Commissioner Precinct 2 at 361-668-5704, option 5.

    Attachment: RFP No. 2018-005 - Request for Bids Application

  • Closed on July 9, 2018

    Notice is hereby given that Jim Wells County is currently accepting sealed bids for remodeling and reconfiguration of the County Courtroom. All Bids are subject to the Terms, Conditions, & Provisions, of this solicitation. Bid packages are due before 4:00 p.m. (Central time), on July 6, 2018. Bids received after the due date and time will not be accepted. All Bids will be formally opened and read publicly at the regular meeting of the Jim Wells County Commissioners’ Court on July 9, 2018. Copies of the Bid specifications are available at the Office of the Jim Wells County Judge. Jim Wells County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive defects and formalities in such bid.

    Attachment: Not Available

  • Closed on May 7, 2018

    Jim Wells County plans to apply for the upcoming Texas Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant from the Texas Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Program of the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM). Accordingly, the County is seeking to contract with a qualified engineering firm to conduct an engineering study if applicable, determine scope of work and prepare all preliminary and final design plans and specifications, and to conduct all necessary interim and final inspections. These services are being solicited to assist the County in its pre-award and post-award engineering services of its proposed HMA project, to support Courthouse Generator. Please submit 5 copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to ATTN: Isabel Trevino, Executive Administrative Assistant, 200 N. Almond St., Suite 101, Alice, Texas 78332. Proposals shall be received by the County no later than 2:00 p.m. on May 7, 2018 to be considered. The County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit proposals, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards. Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encourage to submit proposals. Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer. If you have any questions please contact the Jim Wells County Judge Office at 361-668-5706 Option 1.

    Attachment: Not Available

  • Closed on March 2, 2018

    Notice is hereby given at the Jim Wells County invites interested law firms to present their qualifications to be special counsel to Jim Wells County, and if selected, to investigate, and if appropriate, to initiate litigation against manufacturers and distributors of prescription opioids that have wrongfully caused opioid addiction in Jim Wells County. Proposals responsive to this are due by or before 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) on March 2, 2018. RFQ proposals received after the due date and time will not be accepted. If you have any questions please contact the Jim Wells County Judge Office at 361-668-5706.

    Attachment: RFQ NO. 2018-001 Special Counsel for Jim Wells County Opioid Litigation

  • Closed on March 1, 2018

    Jim Wells County plans to apply for the upcoming Texas Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant from the Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) and/or Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). These services are being solicited to assist the County in its Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FMA) contract, if awarded, to support the acquisition of a Courthouse Generator. Accordingly the County is seeking to contract with a qualified management service provider to assist the County in pre-award and post-award management of its proposed HMA project(s). Please submit 3 copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to Isabel Trevino, Executive Administrative Assistant, 200 N. Almond St., Suite 101, Alice, Texas 78332. Proposals shall be received by the County no later than 2:00 p.m. on March 1, 2018 to be considered. The County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit proposals, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards. Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encourage to submit proposals. Jim Wells County is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer. If you have any questions please contact the Jim Wells County Judge Office at 361-668-5706 Option 1. 

    Attachment: RFQ NO. 2018-002 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Management Services 02-14-2018

  • Closed on September 1, 2017


    The County of Jim Wells/City of Alice will solicit, and receive, Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from qualified Consultants and/or Engineering Firms interested in providing Professional Engineering Services for the Preliminary Design, Design, Permitting, Bidding & Negotiation, and Construction Phases, including an opinion of probable construction costs until Friday, August 25, 2017 at 4:00 p.m., for the San Diego Creek Levee Recertification Project.


    The City of Alice has closed their offices from August 24, 2017 at 12:00 pm till Tropical Storm Harvey makes landfall, which is expected no later than August 26, 2017. This notification is to make Consultants responding to the RFQ the deadline of August 25, 2017 at 4:00pm. The RFQ deadline has been extended to September 1, 2017 at 4:00 pm.

    Attachment: RFQ NO. 2017-2018-005 San Diego Creek Levee Recertification, Addendum No. 1 - San Diego Levee Recertification

  • Closed on June 2nd, 2017

    Pursuant to Local Government Code Chapter 2269 and in accordance with Government Code Section 2254.004 “Professional Services Procurement Act”, Jim Wells County is seeking Statements of Qualifications from firms experienced in the design, implementation and installation of energy and water conservation measures in the State of Texas. The selected respondent shall provide evaluation and implementation of an energy conservation services program that includes all services listed in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Responses to this RFQ shall describe the firm’s capability to identify the need for, design, install, maintain, monitor, and arrange the financing of a comprehensive energy-conservation program. Jim Wells County intends to select a firm and award contract(s) to perform cost-effective energy conservation retrofits or reject all proposals. 

    Attachment: RFQ NO. 2017-010 Notice for Professional Services

  • Closed on April 3rd, 2017

    The City of Alice, Texas and the County of Jim Wells, Texas are seeking to enter into a contract with a competent planning Firm/Individual to assist with project implementation for a FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Action Plan (Plan) Grant Contract from the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Division of Emergency Management; the Contract is for developing a FEMA-approved Mitigation Action Plan.

    Attachment: RFP for Hazard Mitigation Action Plan 2017-02-21.pdf

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